The model of the Laguiole knife as well as its name are a wonderfull heritage from our ancestors. Unfortunately, the latter forgot to patent the name in legal time limit.
After 20 years existence, any product goes into the public domain. The legal time limit is over. This product is left unprotected. As a consequence anyone can brand anything as Laguiole.
The Laguiole knives cannot be protected by a label of origin such as the ‘Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée’ (a French government certification) because it only takes into account food products.
Nowadays we experience a flooding of the market by a multitude of down-market products which are stamped Laguiole, have the bee and are sold as more authentic than others. In all those VERY DOWN-MARKET products, none is made in Laguiole.
Some are made in Pakistan or China. They are sold by works councils, by tobacco shops, by stallholders at the markets or in trade fairs ...
Others, made in Thiers and in China by machines, are sold about 15 euros for a 6 knives box in some shops in Laguiole village, in supermarkets, or given with foie gras, mineral water, subscriptions, or in petrol stations...